Thanks for joining our latest event exploring around Austin and Tonopah Nevada! We can't wait to see you there. Updates and other information will be posted here, so please check in from time to time. Also, in the chat box below, add your name and picture of your rig so that we all know who will be attending. Thanks!
I will be at the Bob Scot Campground on Thursday, if anyone wants to arrive early. Otherwise, the first trail day will be on Saturday July 1st. We will be camping at Bob Scot Campground Saturday and Sunday night. Monday we will arrive in Tonopah and have reservations at the Belvada Hotel across the street from the Mizpah Hotel for Monday and Tuesday night. Tuesday's plan is to hang out in Tonopah and enjoy the 4th of July festivities. Wednesday morning is travel home day.
June 30th - July 5th, 2023
Bob Scot Campground
Austin, Nevada